Statistics of vehicles, autocar police database, the quantity of cars in Russia

Database vehicles of Russia are provided on the basis of data traffic police of Russia with relevance to the current date. Two types database available:

  • Data bank of all registrations for a certain period of time (one automobile means may have several registrations!) of new cars or b/y imported or produced in the territory of Russia.
  • Database of the current car fleet, contains all motor vehicles registered with traffic police on the last date of registration (1 entry in BD- 1 car) Formats:

Download/open example – by car registered to the company

Download/open example – by car registered to individuals

Based on these sources, we can make a summary report in any form requested by you, for example:

Download/open example

To generate a cost, specify the parameters of your database request, for example:

– By region/city

– By mode of transport

– On juris. Or phys persons

Or any other fields listed in the sources above.

About us/advantages:

1. Reliability of information: We do preliminary free verification of the requested information, by sending the customer all of its operations on the specified type of statistics.

2. Guarantees: 100% Refund in the case of incorrectness in data.

3. Best price: If other companies offer similar statistics with the same quality of performance, but at a lower cost, please let us know and we will negotiate an even more attractive offer for you, plus you will receive free distribution of the information with addition of supporting materials.

4. Quality presentation of data: Tell us the requirements pertaining to the structure of the report and we will make it to the specified view at no extra charge.

5. The best complete set: We attach contacts and financial information about the companies appearing in the data (Rosstat sources): telephone, fax, e-mail, www, full name and titles of the representatives of companies, annual turnover (sales) according to the Tax Service, with a retrospective look.


03.03.2024. февраль 2024

20.02.2024. январь 2024

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15.02.2024. январь 2024

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10.02.2024. январь 2024

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