Customs data of Kazakhstan

Customs data on export / import of the Republic of  Kazakhstan / FEA Database 

Intelligence Reports are made on the basis of database of Customs Committee of Kazakhstan, over the period from 01.01.2004 for the last month, the update lag of 5-10 days after the end of the reporting month. Kazakhstan Customs data contain all the operations of all the participants of foreign trade activities with all countries (except countries of the Customs Union, starting from 01.07.2010, the date of Kazakhstan joining the CU, this array is presented here), and are provided by us in the form of the following formats:

1.1  Details are in the form of electronic copies of GTD participants of foreign trade of Kazakhstan, with a set of available fields, you can find on sample code Download sample / zip archive 15 Kbt

Pay attention to additional bookmarks in the example which shows declarations by brands, models, articles, etc.  On the tab “TOVG – analysis of goods by brand, and  Senders / Recipients including the contact details of Kazakh enterprises from the database of the Register of Kazakhstan enterprises.

1.2 General statistical indicators of Foreign economic activities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the form of the example here.

In the request to receive data from the customs, please indicate all the products  in HS codes and specify time range of required information. Here, You can download Manual

* – since 01.07.2010 due to the formation of the Customs Union, information of transactions with Russia and Belarus have been excluded from the foreign trade activities of the RK, This information is available only from the database of the Customs Union. 

About us/advantages:

1. Reliability of information: We do preliminary free verification of the requested information, by sending the customer all of its operations on the specified type of statistics.

2. Guarantees: 100% Refund in the case of incorrectness in data.

3. Best price: If other companies offer similar statistics with the same quality of performance, but at a lower cost, please let us know and we will negotiate an even more attractive offer for you, plus you will receive free distribution of the information with addition of supporting materials.

4. Quality presentation of data: Tell us the requirements pertaining to the structure of the report and we will make it to the specified view at no extra charge.

5. The best complete set: We attach contacts and financial information about the companies appearing in the data (Rosstat sources): telephone, fax, e-mail, www, full name and titles of the representatives of companies, annual turnover (sales) according to the Tax Service, with a retrospective look.


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